We are Happy to Announce that our ULTRA High Quality Image generator is now ready for public use and can be accessed at the following link :
It is Web based, open the link and click on the free generation button on top.
then click on a link under available servers.
there are some limitations on the free servers :
- some models are locked
- some aspect ratios are locked
- some sliders are locked
- fast mode is locked
- Zoom and Vary buttons are locked
- Generation is in slow mode only, while nice and fast during non busy hours, it can be slow at peek hours…
but it will give users a nice preview of what the generator is capable of.
to Unlock all features and get access to unlimited generation with turbo mode, sign up for membership on our Patreon page : https://www.patreon.com/makululinux/membership
Here is a Video that shows the quality of images that can be generated