More A.I comes to Makulu Messenger
We take a look at the new Features added to the upcoming Messenger app :
Electra A.I Capabilities Expand !
We look again at some new Capabilities and Features in Electra !
A.I Voice Image Generator !
New High Quality, A.I Voice Image Generator coming to MakuluLinux.
Electra is Moving to a new Home !
We just wanted to let everyone know that we are in the process of Moving Electra to a new Server. She has outgrown her current home and is in need of a new one, We have found a suitable server that will serve as her next Host. We don’t expect any problems with the transition,…
MakuluLinux Messenger New Features !
Today we look at some VERY COOL new features added to the MakuluLinux Messenger, get ready to have your mind blown !
LinDoz Featured on LinuxInsider
LinDoz featured on LinuxInsider, Check it out :
LinDoz Released !
MakuluLinux LinDoz is now available for download. It has been quite the journey and taken a lot of our time, but we are very proud of this release and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we have enjoyed making it. Make sure to read the release notes, there is a LOT under…
Electra Pushing Boundaries again !
Get Ready to be blown away …