Makulu Core 2020 Released

After a Very long wait and so far a very exciting year, We are proud and excited to announce that MakuluLinux Core 2020 is now available for Download, You can read the release notes and grab your copy from the Core Section above or simply Click Here. We hope you really Enjoy this Release, its…

LinDoz March Patch !

We have just sent out a Patch for LinDoz 2020, This patch addresses many issues that have been reported over the last month. To patch is simple, when you see the red icon near the clock ( on the right, on bottom panel, near the clock ) click it, when the patch window opens, you…

Patreon Early Access

We have released MakuluLinux Flash 2020 on our Patreon Program, As contributors they get Early access on releases. We will make Flash 2020 available to Public in the coming days. If you are a Patron, check your mailbox or pop onto our Patreon Page. If you are not a Patron, hang in there, the wait…