Home forums General chat turning off screensaver in lindoz

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    • #9003
      Gleyn Laughlin

      I’m new to using this disto and I cant find a way to turn off the screensaver in lindoz pro version wondering if there is a way to turn off using terminal commands or something in system settings i’m missing

    • #9004

      Lindoz screensaver is disabled by default, how did you turn it on ? if the default screensaver settings arent working in the settings manager then you must have a third party screen saver protocol installed ? what version of lindoz are you running ?

    • #9005
      Gleyn Laughlin

      lindoz 2023 and the screensaver im talking about has kind of advertising for joining the these forums and such


    • #9006

      you mean the space looking screensaver ? did you search the menu for “screensaver” ? there should be a shortcut to screensaver options in the main menu.

    • #9007
      Gleyn Laughlin

      yes that’s the one and I’ve tried to turn it off i already have the settings set to never and nothing toggled

    • #9023
      Lester Foreman
    • #9024
      Lester Foreman

      Hi! You can disable the screensaver through the system settings. Go to Settings > Power Management and look for options related to the screensaver or display sleep.
      Hope this helps!
      geometry dash

    • #9115
      Allan Roach

      Have you looked for “screensaver” in the menu? In the main menu, there ought to be a shortcut leading to the screensaver settings.

    • #9143
      reatger tynsa
      • Open System Settings from the application menu.
      • Go to Power Management or Display Settings (the exact name may vary depending on the desktop environment).
      • Look for the option related to Screensaver or Blank Screen and set it to Never or Disable.
      • Save and exit.
    • #9340
      Reva Curry

      Yeah, that’s the one. I’ve gone into the settings and made sure it’s set to never again, but nothing changed.


    • #9552

      Missing platforms will become more apparent as you go through the game run 3

    • #9558
      Pol Slow

      I’m so glad this topic was raised because asking for help is so important. That’s exactly how I found a solution to my photo editing struggles. On a forum, someone recommended this website and it completely transformed the quality of my photo projects. It was a game-changer for me!

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